The Harvard Square Parking Garage is a mixed-use parking and retail building on the corners of J.F.K. and Eliot Streets, which is conveniently located in Cambridge off Memorial Drive in the heart of Harvard Square. It is walking distance to Harvard University, local restaurants, shops, and services.
Ground floor retailers include:
- Dunkin’
- Grafton Street
- Madras Dosa
Daily Rates
5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Saturday
- Up to ½ Hour: $7.00
- Up to 1 Hour: $14.00
- Up to 1½ Hours: $18.00
- Up to 2½ Hours: $28.00
- Up to 3 Hours: $32.00
- Up to 12 Hours: $36.00
- Maximum: $40.00
Evening and Sunday Rates
5:00 p.m. – Close and All Day Sunday
- Up to ½ Hour: $7.00
- Up to 1 Hour: $15.00
- Maximum: $17.00
$2.00 Validation when stamped by affiliated vendors or with receipt.
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